I'm averaging 100k months thanks to Money Bootcamp!

Joanna Hunter
Spiritual Life & Business Coach
Medium & Teacher
Author of My Million Dollar Experiment
London, UK
Member Since 2015
Where was your money situation before Bootcamp?
I joined Bootcamp in 2015 homeless, still in the tail end of a burnout that nearly took me out and my family and I were living on welfare.
In 2015 I didn’t know if I would ever have the stamina to make six figures again having had four 6 figure businesses before my burnout!
My credit score was on the floor and now I am woman that makes a mortgage appointment with the bank and the manager phones me personally to ask if he can help us and hopes we are satisfied with the service of his bank.
"It tickles me so much oh how times have changed!"
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned from Money Bootcamp?
Through Bootcamp I learned that hard work and making money DON’T need to go hand in hand in fact one has nothing to do with the other. The fact we think they do is what creates the belief that we have to ‘work hard for money’.
Once I separated the two energies in my consciousness my business took off.
"I stopped being afraid the success would mean more work, the work would mean another burnout, now I only do the work that brings me joy and earns more!"
I am so grateful for it all:
- Bootcamp
- Incredible mentors
- My awesome clients
- Doing the work
- The struggles that are making this moment sweeter
- For my spirit team
For all of it.
What’s your advice to someone considering joining Money Bootcamp?
Have the courage to bet on yourself go all in because I am living proof you get to have it all on your terms.
Today I am celebrating doubling my prices. It’s time to fully own that I am in my 7 figure year!
Ready for a Money Breakthrough?
This could be you too!
With the right mindset training and mentor you can break through your income plateau, and elevate your business to next level success!
Money Bootcamp is THE proven and practical comprehensive money mindset training, with an awesome private community of entrepreneurs.
Click here to find out how you can transform your relationship with money and move towards financial freedom for you and your family.
Upgrade your money mindset, revolutionize your business and earn what you deserve!
Now open: Special offer to join Money Bootcamp, the leading money mindset training and community for entrepreneurs like you. Get mentoring and live coaching with me to clear your money blocks and take your business to new heights.