Money Bootcamp helped me realise I can earn money as a speaker!

money bootcamp testimonials


Corrie LoGiudice

Business Strategist & Coach
Member since 2023


 What was your money situation when you joined Money Bootcamp?

I joined Money Bootcamp last January after having crossed month 10 of a revenue drought that showed no signs of stopping. I knew the problem was me but I didn’t know how to solve it.

What’s your biggest “aha” since joining Money Bootcamp?

Bootcamp helped me uncover so many money blocks over the past year. It helped me see the drought was self-imposed. I had an abusive ex-partner that reappeared after many years, and subconsciously I feared if I made money he would take it like he did in the past. It was safer for me not to make any at all!

After gaining clarity on that, I uncovered a block that I couldn’t make money as a speaker because I talked so much as a kid, my family literally paid me to be quiet! Since addressing it, my income has exploded because public speaking is easy and effortless for me.

I’ve also addressed various sabotages, like not having multiple streams of income or pricing my rates so high no one could afford to work with me. I’ve also made it a point to start formally celebrating all my wins, and making incremental upgrades along the way.

How has your first year in Money Bootcamp been?


I’m ending 2023 having over a series of three months, breaking the record of what I’m being paid to speak at events 3 times!!! I’ve also started to fill my coaching roster again with new clients. Last week was my best week in years despite it being before the holidays! I signed a speaking client and three coaching clients on the same day!

I’ve never been more optimistic for my next year in business and can’t wait to see what’s in store for me in 2024! I am so grateful for DDT and the Money Bootcamp community!”


Ready for a Money Breakthrough?

This could be you too!

With the right mindset training and mentor you can break through your income plateau, and elevate your business to next level success!

Money Bootcamp is THE proven and practical comprehensive money mindset training, with an awesome private community of entrepreneurs.

Click here to find out how you can transform your relationship with money and move towards financial freedom for you and your family.


Get my Ultimate Guide to Pricing 

I've put all my pricing tips, strategies, and SCRIPTS together in my Ultimate Pricing Guide, you can download it for free!


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