Your Simple Guide To Manifesting Your Big Dream In Just Five Easy Steps

manifesting & affirmations
Working with the law of attraction to manifest your dream your dream life

Hey gorgeous, 

Today I want to talk to you about manifesting a long held dream.

You probably know I am the custodian of a rose farm, right?! Through the acquisition of that land I have learned a ton of lessons about manifesting.

I want to share them with you today. 

Buckle up – let’s get down to the business of abundance!

Practice Money Manifesting 

Firstly, one of my manifesting practices is to browse real estate websites. I love it! I used to make myself go to open houses and view property I couldn’t afford. It’s another manifestation tool – acting as if. Mark and I used to spend our weekends just looking around properties in the country just for fun.

Then this property came up on one of my searches. Straight away, I felt drawn to it. But I was nine months pregnant. So I talked myself out of the open house viewing. Then when the baby was about six weeks old, it came up again, this time with a price reduction. So we went to see it and as soon as I stood on the land, I knew we were going to buy it! 

Doing the Money Mindset Work

Buying the farm was a biiiiiiiiig leap of faith though. And it brought up a lot of stuff for me.

I didn’t even own furniture until I was 35. I’ve moved so many times, I often never bothered to put pictures up. It felt like too much commitment. Owning stuff - let alone LAND scared me. 

I had to really do the money mindset work to make space for the farm. This is what I had to do (and how to do it!) - work on my mindset and flex my manifesting muscle

My coach, Hiro Boga, told me, “Denise, you remind me of a lover I had in my twenties. He would come around and never take off his coat”. I asked her what I should do, and she said I needed to put down some roots.

So I bought a house. But it was the wrong one. Then the next one was too. And then I build a dream house by the beach which is amazing. But something was missing. Real roots.

When I saw the farm I knew I had to make it work. Even though we had other real estate projects underway and didn’t have the funds for more property at the time.


There’s Always More Money!

I got to work manifesting. There’s always more money, right?! I told more people about Money Bootcamp. Every day I showed up and invited people to join the course.

Each night I watched the real estate sales video of the farm. I even switched my toilet paper to the one with roses on it. I hummed songs about roses each day. “Everything’s coming up roses, this time for ME.”

Time was tight! If you’re in a similar situation and need to create money quick, use my Money Manifesting Formula to bring more abundance in just 24 hours! 

Get Motivated by Your Dream

The thing is, I’m not that bothered about making more money UNTIL I have a dream attached to it. It doesn’t have to be a lot of money, when I get to manifesting, but it definitely has to feel exciting. That way I get energised to do the work!

So here are my Manifesting Tips for Building Your Dream


What comes up for you when you think about living your dream life? For me, a load of fear. To clear the energy I had to work on this first. I had to address my fear of commitment. I did forgiveness work on everyone and everything involved. I did forgiveness work on myself. I shifted a load of shit to make way for the rose farm! 


Like the property searches that I regularly do – put in the time to conjure up big audacious dreams for yourself. You know the ones that make you feel a big sick and tingly with excitement?! Set up a Pinterest board (or 20) to literally map out your ideal house, life, job.

3)    ACT AS IF

When Mark and I would go round these big country houses on open day we didn’t have the funds to buy them but we acted as if we did! That’s what enabled us to be the owners of a beautiful rose farm. We acted as if, until we actually were!


The rose patterned toilet paper? That and all the other little anchors in my day helped me stay in a positive, happy, determined mindset. 


With the farm it helped that there was literally a video I could watch daily – the real estate video helped me position myself in my dream regularly. I would watch it all the time to help motivate me to get the money. You can create a mental video of you walking through your dream house, job, relationship every day.

I’d love to know what big dreams you’re dreaming right now?

What are you itching to create, attract and build? It doesn’t have to be a farm, maybe it’s just an extra few hundred dollars a week or a more chilled lifestyle for your family.

When you release and forgive and finally deal with your money stuff, the more empowered you’ll feel to charge and actually receive what you’re worth. 

It’s your time, and you’re ready for the next step, 

Denise xx


P.S. I can help you build your dreams, gorgeous! 

Plus you can work with me in my money mindset coaching program and mastermind community, Money Bootcamp. The more you surround yourself with inspiring, successful and supportive people, the more you’ll feel safe to dream. Let’s clear all the old stories, beliefs and sabotages that are stopping you putting down roots or creating your First Class Life. Come and join us! 

I now hold private business retreats at my beautiful farm, you can find out more here -

Upgrade your money mindset, revolutionize your business and earn what you deserve! 

Now open: Special offer to join Money Bootcamp, the leading money mindset training and community for entrepreneurs like you. Get mentoring and live coaching with me to clear your money blocks and take your business to new heights.


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