Is a 7-figure launch realistic?

podcast episodes
Is a 7-figure launch realistic?


Is a 7-figure launch realistic?

Not everyone aspires to a big million-dollar launch or can even see that as a possibility. And it’s totally okay if that’s not your goal. 

But the reason I love talking so much about launching is to show you that these big launches are possible

A normal person like you or me CAN achieve a 7-figure launch. 

It’s not common and not easy, but it’s possible. 

And if you’re like me, that will motivate you to want to learn more about how it could be possible for you. And trust me, it’s worth it. 

A 7-figure launch will probably not happen by accident, so the first step is demystifying what it takes and what you would need to make this happen.

Listen to today’s podcast episode to learn: 

  • How my launches have progressed from 1 person to $2m+
  • Why a personal life goal is more important than a money goal
  • Mindset tips to overcome launch resistance and fear
  • The predictable formula of the launch numbers game 
  • How to avoid overcomplication and other common launch mistakes

I promise today’s tips will help if your launch goal is 5, 6, or 7 figures. But if you want to have a million-dollar launch one day, you need to start.

Why not you? Get the training and take a leap… it’s possible.

xx Denise

Get my Ultimate Guide to Pricing 

I've put all my pricing tips, strategies, and SCRIPTS together in my Ultimate Pricing Guide, you can download it for free!


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