How to Gather Your Ultimate Million-Dollar Mastermind Group

millionaire mindset wealth creation
Choose your friendships and boost your money mindset

Hey gorgeous, 

You know that saying, you’re the sum of the five people you spend most time with? It’s totally true. So, who are you spending time with?

Do you ever get the feeling that your friends are bringing you down?

When you get together with friends do you feel like you can’t mention money because you think so differently to the people you’re hanging out with?

Don’t worry, we’re going to talk about what to do when you know you have to create or upgrade your friendships.

I’ve shared the seven success habits that took me to millionaire status here – check out number five – surrounding yourself with the right people!

Who’s Your Million Dollar Cheerleading Crew?

You know that group of friends or mastermind buddies who you know will always have your back. These are your “ride or die” friends and mastermind buddies.

They’re the ones you call when everything’s gone wrong in your business or your life and who you KNOW will pick you up, tell you it’ll be OK and give you a kick in the butt if you need them to, as well.

They’re the friends you celebrate your successes, your ah-has and your screw-ups with.


Upgrading to First Class Friendships

It’s sad, but true: if you’re working on your money mindset, your business and your money blocks, and your fellow possé members aren’t, then chances are that you’ll outgrow them pretty soon, if you haven’t already.

So what happens then?

You need to upgrade

If you’re in my Money Bootcamp, then you’ll know that we talk about upgrades a lot.

Upgrades are one of the techniques you can use to get closer to living your First Class Life – the one that will make you feel abundant, and like a money magnet.

If you’re unsure, check out these seven tell-tale signs you need to upgrade your money mindset TODAY!

How Money Mindset Affects Friendships

First of all, check who you’re hanging out with.

Are they friends who have all said that they want to start a business, but then just moan on about how they can’t quite decide what to do, or that it’s too hard?

Do they say they’ll do things, but then it takes them months to get around to it?

Maybe they’re big on ideas to improve their lives, but never actually do it and use every excuse under the sun to explain why.

If you’re on fire with ideas and enthusiasm, but your possé like to sit and whinge, then you’re not an energetic match… and I’m sorry sweetheart, but it’s really likely that they’ll bring you down.

When that happens, you pay with decreased business motivation that reflects in your bottom line.

And even if you’re not in business, that kind of energy can stop your manifestation mojo in its tracks.

So what can you do?

Check your energy!

The first thing to do when you suspect that it might be time to upgrade your cheerleading squad is to check in with your own energy when you think about the group.

You don’t even have to meet up with the group in person to do this: just think about how you feel when you’re face to face with them.

If you feel any of the following, it might be time to upgrade your mastermind crew

  •     A drop in your energy,
  •     Irritated at the thought of seeing them
  •     Total eye-roll about what everyone moaned about last time you met, or
  •     Like you’d LOVE an excuse to skip the next session.

These are all signs that it’s time to think about an upgrade.

You might say, “Denise! These are my friends, and I can’t just get rid of them!”

And that’s totally cool. I’ve felt that way before, too.

But your mindset is the most important thing to success in your manifestation. And sometimes we do outgrow friends on our way to living the life we’re consciously manifesting for ourselves.

When you’re in business, it’s no different. You will outgrow some of your mastermind buddies.

If you’re unsure of how to find another crew to mastermind with for your business, remember, it’s totally possible. You’ll definitely find another one once you open yourself up for it!

How to Upgrade Your Business Mastermind Group

If you need to upgrade, here’s a few ideas of how you can:

  • Give them a chance to come with you.

If you don’t want to lose your current group, suggest that you all study a mindset or manifestation course together, or read a book on the subject, to lift you all up. (You could try Lucky B*, or Get Rich, Lucky B* .links)

Just remember that you can’t make everyone take the journey with you.

Give them a chance to get on the train with you, but if it takes a lot of your energy to keep everyone motivated and enthused, it’s not worth it. You might have to face the fact that it’s time to cut your ties to that group.

  1. Cut your ties. It can be as simple as saying that you can’t make your meetups anymore, or arranging other activities for yourself whenever the old group schedules something.
  2. Manifest yourself a new mastermind! This might sound really hard right now, but if you’ve cleared a space for it and created a vacuum as well as getting really specific about what you want, it will happen fast.

Good luck, gorgeous!

It’s your time, and you’re ready for the next step.

Denise xx

P.S. If you’re looking for a supportive community and place where it’s safe for you to share your money goals, fears and dreams then come check out our Money Bootcamp.

As well as the best money mindset training we have an incredible inspiring mastermind community, experienced mentors and monthly live group coaching calls with me.

Click here and message me with the word “Community” and let’s chat to see if becoming a Lucky Bee makes sense for you.

Upgrade your money mindset, revolutionize your business and earn what you deserve! 

Now open: Special offer to join Money Bootcamp, the leading money mindset training and community for entrepreneurs like you. Get mentoring and live coaching with me to clear your money blocks and take your business to new heights.


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