How to design your business based on your Money Archetype

business strategy sacred money archetypes

When I started in business, I sought out mentors and did what they told me to do. 

For my very first foray into business, I bought a course and put my business together exactly how they told me.

But as a Ruler, Romantic, Maverick, this didn't pan out for me, and I couldn't understand why – I'm a good student and wanted it to work.

Now I know that some business models work better for different personalities. 

It's possible to tweak parts of your business to better fit and leverage the strengths of your personality. 

Because when you don't, business won't come naturally to you and will feel hard and uninspired. 

I'm here to help you find the easiest path for you and then double down on your superpower. 

The first step is to find out which of the 8 Sacred Money Archetypes you are and take my free workshop to learn what that means for your business. Click here to take the quiz now and find out more.

For example, a creative Alchemist might have a million domain names and half-finished books. One of these must be the perfect business idea, right?! So why not combine ALL your ideas in a membership where you create something entirely different for your audience every month? 

On the surface, a membership might seem like a great business idea for a Connector because they love bringing people together. But connectors struggle with the feeling that once a group gets too big, they lose the connection with everybody. 

One of the gifts of the Accumulator is the ability to see what's wrong. They can critique things. How can you use this part of yourself to see what's wrong and allow people to pay you for that? You could offer website audits or proofreading, for example. 

Mavericks need a lot of freedom. I know a Maverick who creates courses, and then she sells them to other people for them to run. She doesn't want to be stuck doing the same thing over and over. 

Nurturers can feel left out and alone in the business world because, in our society, speed and hustle are valued. A friend of mine has created the Gentle Business Mastermind to give you lots of spaciousness. The value of the Nurturer is in slowing down. 

Romantics need a business model that gives a lot of freedom. So I'd recommend embracing automation, passive income, and systems so your business can keep running even when you're not in the mood. Creating the infrastructure might be boring, but it will allow you to do business when you feel like it. So you can go traveling!

The big mistake that Rulers make is trying to do too many things. You might benefit from a simple business model like mine, where "All Roads Lead to Bootcamp." I need to keep that overdelivering Ruler in check. And remember Ruler, just because you can do everything yourself doesn't mean you should. 

As a Celebrity building your business, ensures you have enough time to shine and be fabulous. You can create your own talk show from home. Create a YouTube channel, and do fun things on TikTok. Create a platform where you can magnetize people with your energy. 

This is just the start. Click below to listen to this podcast episode packed with ideas and business suggestions for every Archetype.

In this episode, you'll learn:

  • How following someone else's model can be damaging for you
  • How can create a business model using lots of different ideas
  • Passive income ideas for ALL the archetypes
  • You need to break out of industry norms and double down on your superpower!
  • How to find freedom in business

Click here to listen and learn more. 

Take the Money Archetypes quiz and watch the Leverage Your Strengths workshop for your Archetype here

And let me know below, what aha's came up for you about how you might tweak your business model to better suit your personality. 

xx Denise 


SMA has opened my eyes to my money mindset

"I absolutely loved this course! It was amazing to learn more about my specific tendencies around money, how to embrace the ones that serve me and how to work with the money tendencies that don't. It has opened my eyes to my personal money mindset and helped me let go of any shame and guilt around my money mindset because I now know that it is simply a part of my personal money tendencies. Instead of using my limited energy and shaming myself or questioning my money mindset, I can now accept it, embrace it and learn to use it to my advantage."

Coach, US
Archetype: Ruler

I don't have to over give

"I will say it really gives you an insight. It gives you an insight into yourself already. You personally, and the people around you. And you start to realize that, oh my gosh, like I can't move forward if I don't have this knowledge."

Mindset Coach, UK
Archetype: Nurturer


Sacred Money Archetypes® is a registered trademark of Heart of Success, Inc. and licensed by Lucky B Pty Ltd. Copyright 2022 Kendall SummerHawk.

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