Sacred Money Archetypes® helped me to better understand my clients

sacred money archetypes testimonials
Sacred Money Archetypes® helped me to better understand my clients


Shay Jordan-Hrobsky

Speaker, Author & Coach | USA
Archetype: Celebrity/Romantic


What is your favorite aspect of Sacred Money Archetypes®?

I like to work with the people who are accountable. "We're holding you accountable. What are you doing each week to move yourself and your business forward?" We get that in the Money Bootcamp. We get that in SMA as well.

How do your top 3 Archetypes work together or against each other?

For me, it's more so in my personal life, as well, than in my business, especially the Celebrity and the Romantic. My husband is also an Accumulator and oh my, the struggles that we have had because I'm like, "We'll be fine. Everything is fine. We're good." He's like, "No, we're not! The world is burning down! We need everything in the bank!" I'm like, "We are okay." It is just that night and day difference. I do think that he helps a little bit with balancing me out because I do have that double whammy of the Celebrity and Romantic. 

What would you say to someone who is looking to join Sacred Money Archetypes®?

I would say if you are looking for a way to understand yourself, your business, how you operate with others, communicate, connect, this would be the place for you to be. It has helped me really understand my husband. It has helped me understand my clients, especially now. I'm just really excited to use this moving forward into the new changes that I'm making in my business. I would say, don't wait. Jump in hands first, or feet first, whatever way that goes first, just jump in.



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Sacred Money Archetypes® is a Registered Trademark of Heart of Success, Inc. and licensed by Lucky B Pty Ltd. © 2022 Kendall Summerhawk

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