How Sacred Money Archetypes® can transform your business

business strategy sacred money archetypes sacred money archetypes testimonials

Let’s dispel this big MYTH…

You don’t need to change who you are or have a particular personality type to succeed in business. 

But you do need to learn to leverage your unique strengths and do business on your terms. 

Maybe you’ve followed a successful business guru and implemented the business strategy they claim will make you millions, but it just didn’t seem to work for you.

Perhaps you’ve tried other courses and been left thinking, “Why hasn’t it worked for me? Look how successful they are”

If you’re like most of my clients before we work together, maybe you’re resigned to just having to work harder.

But you’re already working harder and longer, and the line between business and personal life is increasingly blurred. So you tell yourself that “it’ll get easier soon.” 

Before you know it, you’re approaching burnout (if you’re not already).

You’re doing business in a way that feels forced, stuck, and unnatural to you. 

You’re doing tasks that are outside of your zone of genius, and you’re pushing through resistance and fear. 

You feel overwhelmed, overworked, frustrated, isolated, lonely, and confused. 

You know that something has to change… Now!

I want you to know that you don’t have to change who you are to be successful, but you do need to work to your strengths and do business in harmony with your Archetype.  

And I’ve got so many examples from my current clients to show you that it is possible to do business your way…

I’ve been doing $25,000 cash months

"I’m a rebel in my industry; I’ve always done things a little bit differently. I’ve always marched to the beat of my own drum. For me, SMA was like a deep permission - I've literally been this way forever. And now it's really up to me to embrace it and bring it into every part of my business."

Visibility & Sales Messaging and Mindset Coach, USA  | Read More
Archetype: Maverick


It really gives you the tools to work with yourself and trust that you really can do anything.

"I've loved the SMA course, it's been so good. It has revealed so much about what I have to work on. It’s helped me to see what is going on inside my head and to not let those shadow thoughts get in the way. It really has helped with my relationship with my fiance too, because now I know he's a Romantic and it's so much easier to deal with things together now."

Veterinarian, Finland
Archetype: Ruler


I’m here to change the world!

"SMA has been a permission slip not to finish everything. I've got so many ideas and it’s taken me years to get to where I am now. As an Alchemist I realized I'm here to change the world. I’m now owning my space and I feel at peace."

Life Happiness Consultant, Hong Kong | Read More
Archetype: Connector


I don't have to over give

"I will say it really gives you an insight. It gives you an insight into yourself already. You personally, and the people around you. And you start to realize that, oh my gosh, like I can't move forward if I don't have this knowledge."

Mindset Coach, UK | Read More
Archetype: Nurturer

I no longer work weekends &  increased my fees!

"It was interesting finding out I was Accumulator and realizing actually I'm quite good at numbers and quite frugal with it. Numbers, detail and caution are part of my personality. Since discovering SMA, I've moved to a coach consultant model, which has enabled me to massively increase my fees. And also, I've got happier clients. I've streamlined everything so I'm focusing on one target market and two main services. I've stopped working weekends and evenings."

Business Mentor, UK | Read More
Archetype: Accumulator


SMA has helped people of all archetypes in all sorts of businesses all over the world. 

And we all have one thing in common - we want to make more money by leveraging our strengths and not fighting our weaknesses - no more pushing or hustling. 

SMA is about finding your path of least resistance and creating more abundance and chill.  

I know this framework will help you, and I can’t wait to see you become one of our next inspiring case studies.

Click here to read more reviews and success stories to be inspired about how SMA can help you tweak and uplevel your marketing and income. 

 xx Denise 


Sacred Money Archetypes® is a registered trademark of Heart of Success, Inc. and licensed by Lucky B Pty Ltd. Copyright 2022 Kendall SummerHawk.

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