How Alchemists can use Sacred Money Archetypes® to Create Money Magic

sacred money archetypes


Join me as I sit down with an incredible group of Alchemist entrepreneurs and alumni from my Sacred Money Archetypes® course. We discuss the strengths and challenges these business owners experience as Alchemists and how they now use their Money Archetype to achieve success.

PS. Thinking you’re an Alchemist, but don’t know for sure? Take five minutes to confirm your Money Archetype with my quick quiz.


How did it feel when you found out you were an Alchemist?

I remember very clearly watching that first video that says "Hi, you're an Alchemist and this is you." And I cried.

I cried because it was the first time, I'd heard of being an Alchemist accepted in a business sense.

I had run my business from my Accumulator side. So that first video gave me permission to be myself and be a business person.

Click here to read Adele’s story.

I remember one of the things that I read in the materials initially in Sacred Money Archetypes was, “You find it easy to empower others to believe in themselves.”

I had just never really heard that in a business context or thought it was one of my primary strengths, which it definitely is.

So that was really, really meaningful for me. Probably my first big “aha!” And then my second big realization was just because I can do something doesn't mean I should, especially for money. I might look at something and go, "Oh yeah, I could probably figure that out” but it doesn’t mean I should do it. Instead, I think, “Here's where my magic is," and I'm allowed to just outsource the rest of it and not try to do everything myself.

Click here to read Mattia’s story.


How do your top three Archetypes work together?

I am a Connector and Alchemist with Ruler just a little bit below. I've been fascinated by how they work together and pull on each other. The Connector and Alchemist in me give me a tendency to just not care about money.

It’s a work in progress, but I’ve gotten much better at it because of Money Bootcamp and Sacred Money Archetypes.

When I was younger and an emergency would come up, I felt like I lost access to my magic. Then I totally leaned away from my Alchemist, the part of me that could just create money because I thought it was too juvenile. Instead, I started leaning into the Ruler in me, but the pendulum just kept swinging too hard either way. Things just weren’t flowing for me this way.

During the course, I really dove into the work, I started to understand how all the parts of me work together.

I now know my superpower is in connections. When I connect with others and build genuine relationships, that’s where the magic is. Now I see that trifecta playing out for me.

It’s been so powerful to have this understanding of what to ask when things aren't as in flow. What is it that I need to lean into? Am I cutting off my Connector? Am I cutting off my Alchemist? Or do I actually need to bring in a little bit more of that Ruler for a phase?

Click here to read Rachael’s story.


How does your Alchemist sabotage you in business?

I strive to show up as the authentic me, without trying to be somebody else. Sometimes I do image consulting for really wealthy people and find myself feeling envious. Then I immediately feel bad about it! Because why should I feel that way? I’m a therapist, I should be on top of working for myself.

Then I think, "Wait a minute, but they're so wealthy. Maybe I should charge them a little bit more!”

And then I feel guilty for wanting more money. It's that duality of feeling like I'm always never enough, while also wanting to just be myself.

Click here to read Janet’s story.


My sabotage is actually that I don't treat my business like it's anything because I don't want to depend on it.

My business works well for me, but I never intended to be an entrepreneur.

I just didn't want to leave my kids. Now, I do it all. I homeschool my kids and I’m running a business as the main breadwinner for my family. This magic is definitely the Alchemist in me.

However, I still have the fear of wanting more, while also trying to remain grateful for what I have. Sometimes I stop to think, “I'm in the best position I've ever been in my life. I have a family that loves me. I have a roof over my head. I feel great in my body. How dare I want more?

Click here to read Stacy’s story.


One of my biggest struggles is absolutely giving my time for free, which lets imposter syndrome leak in.

Because of this, I would have this great advice for somebody, but I'd be afraid to tell them it was my idea. So I'd be like, "Oh, Denise, I had this other client and she did this, and all of these amazing things happened." And then they would leave and they'd come back and be like, "That was such great advice."

But it was my advice! I would just make up little stories because I got so nervous about sharing. Plus, I definitely had shiny object syndrome. I would start 10 million projects and then I'd put half of my effort into it, panic, and then see something else and think "This is the answer. This is what I've got to do." And then that would happen all over again.

So now I have 15 half-written eBooks that are amazing, but not finished. I have full-on classes that are just sitting on my computer that people would love, but nobody sees them.

So I think those are probably my biggest sabotages. I’m using the techniques from Sacred Money Archetypes to overcome them.


What would you say to someone who wants to join Sacred Money Archetypes?

I really got a lot out of Sacred Money Archetypes. It really helped me to understand myself and how I wanted to ruin my business. It gave me permission to run my business in my own way and to understand what my business model is and how it works.

So I really recommend it. I think it's fantastic.

It works really well with Money Bootcamp, and it just gives you more of an insight into your own personality and creating a business that works for your life. That’s the main thing.

And it's also helped me to be aware of what to say no to and what to say yes to. So when I get opportunities, I think about my archetypes and that helps me to think, "Well, is that a good fit for what I want or where I want my business to be going in the future?”

To read Catherine’s story, click here.


Are YOU an Alchemist?

Do you make money magic out of nothing?

Take the Money Archetypes Quiz to find out!



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