Honoring the lifecycle of your business

podcast episodes


Honoring the lifecycle of your business

☀️ It's always sunny in Lucky B land! ☀️

I used to have a saying in my business, especially about my brand and photos, that it's always sunny summertime in my world. 

I love bright, breezy colors and the chill and ease feeling of summer, so I want my brand to embody that.

But for a long time, I tried to live that energy too, of always being in summer - constantly growing, blooming, and being active.

And it got exhausting.

I've realized that there needs to be times of rest and regrowth in the lifecycle of life and my business. 

My business can look and feel vibrant and sunny, even if I'm personally in an autumn or winter season. 

A period of shedding, releasing, or hibernation can be valuable to refresh your business and your own energy and well-being. 

It has taken me (and my Ruler energy) some time to accept that I need some periods of downtime where I'm not always in growth mode. I really need this to imagine and create what's next.

So today, we're talking about the lifecycle of your business and honoring where you are and what you need.

In this week's episode, you'll learn: 

  • How to identify the stage of business you're in
  • Why the seasons of your life and business may differ
  • The common money blocks at different stages of your business lifecycle
  • How to overcome the fear of moving to a new level or season
  • How to surround yourself with the right people to help you up level 

And much MORE.

When I imagine the future of my business and want to do everything, a helpful affirmation for me has been, "There's time." 

There's time. You have time. 

Billionaire Martha Stewart started her first business at 50 years old. 

Whatever season you're in, we have time.

Hit reply or message me @denisedt and let me know where you're at right now and how things are going with money and your mindset.

xx Denise

Upgrade your money mindset, revolutionize your business and earn what you deserve! 

Now open: Special offer to join Money Bootcamp, the leading money mindset training and community for entrepreneurs like you. Get mentoring and live coaching with me to clear your money blocks and take your business to new heights.


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