I HATE launching. Here's why I still do it

launch review

It’s been a few weeks since we wrapped up our the big launch for my new SMA business course and the dust has just about settled at DT headquarters.

For all our efforts in embracing ease and grace, planning and perfecting our launch there’s just no denying that nailing a big launch is a LOT of work.

I’m just going to come out and say it… I HATE LAUNCHING… but I honestly believe that it’s more important than ever that you get organized, lean in and launch your magic to the world.

I’ve done multiple successful launches, and there’s no denying that it’s a massive, shit-ton of work. We’ve done 3 pretty big launches in the last year (I’m sure you saw the emails!) and we’ve done the rollercoaster of all the emotions.

But today I’m going to share why launches are at the core of my business despite my launch hate / fear / reluctance and MASSIVE introversion.

I know a lot of people are interested in how our recent launch went so we’re going to share our results and stats in detail over the next few weeks but first I need to call “Trigger Alert!”

I share a lot of the numbers from within my business, not to show off but to normalize wealth and success for women. It doesn’t always go great, but we share our stats anyway in the hope that they provide some insight or motivation for you on your journey.

Now it’s completely normal for you to feel triggered by other people’s results. The numbers I share are real and honest, but this is not always the case with others online. I invite you to look beyond the dollar signs to find the gold that can help your business.

Why I HATE Launching

Because it’s a ton of work and I want an easy life
Because it makes me feel exposed and stressed
Because there are SO MANY MOVING PIECES
Because it takes so much longer than you think it will!
Because I have so much resistance
Because it makes me want to run away and live in a yurt. By myself. Without wifi.
Because I get tons of unsubscribes…

Um, what else?

Did I mention, I want an easy life?!

Why I launch anyway…

Reason 1: My Calling is … calling!

Ultimately I launch for the same reason that I do anything in my business and that is honestly to try and have a positive impact in the world while making great money.

After spending years in soul-sucking jobs, I realized I’m called to do more in the world; to contribute to empowering women around money.

And sometimes your calling becomes so strong that you know you have to do something that you resist, in order to break through.

Launching your course, releasing your book, opening your coaching biz up for clients – this is all terrifying stuff. And seriously, most of the time, it WOULD be easier to stay in a job, even one you didn’t love instead of running a business.

But the fire in your belly won’t let you. And that’s why I push myself out of my comfort zone. Because I MUST.

My mission is to help change the world and alleviate global poverty and I believe the absolute best way to bring about positive change is to empower people like us to take control of their money.

We use money differently; we invest, we give, we support, we nurture and I know that rich women can change the world. I also know FOR SURE that I can help you change their relationship with money – this is why my Money Bootcamp exists and is the number one reason why I launch Bootcamp each year – to get my message out to more people, help more people earn more and contribute to this bigger goal.

I don’t think I’m the best at what I do, but I know I’m good at it. Really good. And so I mix up my passion for my topic, and my talents and I FORCE myself to put it out there.

EVEN THOUGH I RESIST IT LIKE CRAZY, I know that doing a launch with deadlines motivates people to get off the fence and join. Humans are wired for it and each year we grow our membership community.

Launching is not just about a two week schedule, a lot of emails and making money … for me to really care and commit to the level of work needed for our launches I need to stay connected to the bigger WHY.

What’s your mission? Are you so passionate about your calling that you’ll push through the fear and resistance?


Reason 2: Growing Our Community

Let’s face it. People love new! Launching something new brings a fresh energy to your work, gets your community excited about your offerings and grows your audience.

I’ve been running Bootcamp for five years now, and I refresh the content every few years because it needs to feel relevant, especially if the Lucky Bee community thinks they’ve seen it a million times already or think it’s not for them.

For a recent launch, we created a new workshop called “Reclaim Your Money Power” with 19,518 participants. My philosophy of “all roads lead to Bootcamp” means that I didn’t charge for this and was not tempted to create a brand new offering. The free workshop was a perfect taster for my Money Bootcamp.

I see so many entrepreneurs create way too many new courses, or neglect their work because they feel like everything has to be new and sexy all the time. Why not create new content that leads to your best work?

Reason 3: Launching Really Does Work

Now, this can cover two points – we launch because the Bootcamp program WORKS and women get amazing results, so every launch lets us help more women and be part of more great success stories to share about our members.

However we also launch because the concept of launching WORKS. People talk about how the “launch model” is fading and that too many people are launching, but honestly, when a launch is done right, it really is a great way to grow your business.

In 2015, I bought Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula (PLF) and since we have implemented his launch strategy in our business to generate over $10m from product launches. 

When you follow a system, your launch can be smooth(er) and low(er)-stress.

Reason 4: The Money side is pretty awesome

As I’ve said, launching is not just about the money. Honestly for me, the calling to help is super strong, but the money is a nice side effect.

Our 2017 Bootcamp launch was one of our biggest and we welcomed 429 new members… that’s 400+ potential lives and businesses changed and a significant ripple effect that our members can create across the world.

That makes me feel really good.

However, the money is important. Launching has generated a substantial multi-million dollar revenue for me for the last two years and I’ve been able to retire my husband, help my family and start building our dream home.

The growth we’ve seen in launching since implementing PLF has been life-changing and wherever you’re at, a launch can help your business go to the next level – new leads, new customers, more money and energy to drive you forward. Whether it’s your first $1,000, $10,000 or $100,000 launch… it’s honestly possible.

Remember – I started my first launch in 2009, with just ONE customer…

It’s not magic, it’s a learned, practical process (with a ton of mindset lessons too, of course).

Results Revealed: Our August 2017 launch was our biggest launch ever with $755,044 of revenue. We’ll reveal more details about this launch soon including expenses.

Reason 5: The Launch Echo

Another thing we learned from Jeff Walker is the concept of the “Launch Echo.”

After your launch, there will be a ton of new people interested in your other offerings too. The energy involved in launching creates this great momentum effect which can sometimes lead to some really awesome opportunities.

Jeff also talks about the idea of launch stacking – i.e., stacking two or three launches on top of each other to fast track growth in a short period of time. In 2017 we stacked our August Money Bootcamp on top of our June Sacred Money Archetypes launch and achieved over $1.1m in revenue across the two launches.

So yeah, I don’t love launching but I do love what launches allow me and my business to do and the momentum we have in our business because of them.

So if you’ve been scared or reluctant, then you’re not alone. But also – IT’S SO WORTH IT, so get planning, get a good strategy from someone like Jeff’s PLF and stop procrastinating!

I’d love to hear your launch stories, successes (and hate!) in the comments below. Plus, if you have any questions on what you’d like to know in part 2 (including expenses), let me know!


Product Launch Formula 2025

Once a year my launch mentor Jeff Walker opens enrollment for his game-changing Product Launch Formula program and the doors will open again in September 2025.

I have personally implemented PLF in my business to generate almost $8m in revenue over the last 5 years. I've ran 15 six-figure+ launches using the Product Launch Formula including my biggest ever launch this year.

I partner with Jeff to promote PLF because I've seen the incredible impact of this system in my business and I highly recommend it to my community, customers and business contacts.  I also offer an exclusive "PLF Bonus" for anyone that joins the 2025 PLF Coaching Program through my affiliate link.

Sign up here to be on my notification list for the 2025 launch.

Get my Ultimate Guide to Pricing 

I've put all my pricing tips, strategies, and SCRIPTS together in my Ultimate Pricing Guide, you can download it for free!


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