Four Times Money Blocks Pop Up For Every Entrepreneur and How to Deal with Them

money blocks
Entrepreneurial money blocks and how to bust through them

Hey, gorgeous,

Today, I’m sharing the four most common times on your business journey when a money block is likely to show up and what to do so they don’t derail your business.

Money blocks are gonna show up again and again – I believe we’ll always be unpeeling those limiting beliefs! Just when you think you’ve dealt with them you hit a new level in your business and there they are again!

That’s the bad news.

You might be thinking, “WHY?!! Can’t I just deal with my money blocks once and for all?”

It’s not like that. Don’t beat yourself up if you are experiencing a money block that you thought you’d cracked.

It’s just like getting up and having a shower; you have to do it every day. Otherwise, you start to stink a little bit.

That’s just how it is. 


Let’s talk about some crucial points in your life where they might come up more than others.

1)   When you’re starting out
2)   When you launch a program
3)   When you hit an income plateau
4)   When you set a big money goal

Let’s take a look at each of these points in your life as a business owner and I’ll share some of my top tips around busting through your money blocks for each scenario too.

1)   When you’re starting out

Launching your business? Money blocks will come up! When you’re getting your business off the ground, your money blocks can really derail you. You might experience a lot of resistance and procrastination. This might be the first time that they have even come up for you.

Most of the time in a job, you don’t get blocked about money. Maybe you’ve never experienced money blocks before.

Now, suddenly you are having to set your own prices, somebody’s asking you, “Can I get a discount on that?” or “Would you like to barter?” 

All these things are happening and it’s all new.

The first time you get a refund request, it’s new. The first time you get a complaint, that’s new.

Every time that that happens, you are going to feel like you can’t get past it. Luckily that’s not the case.

The good news is that things that scare you today around money, in the future, won’t even be a problem.

You’ll just be like, “Oh, refund request. We’ve got a system in place to deal with that. Oh, complaint? Okay. We’ve got a procedure for that as well.

It’ll become really, really easy in time.

But the first time you do anything, it’s a rite of passage. It’s just something that every entrepreneur has to go through.

The funny thing is though, a lot of people want to quit when they have an awkward or difficult money conversation

Your only job is to get through it; you’re not going to die, it’s okay, you can survive and you can work your way through it.

If you’re new in business, big hugs to you because this is the time when you really have to work on your money blocks and you really have to be vigilant about your thoughts and feelings about money.

2)   When you launch a program

Launching something? Money blocks will come up!

Money blocks will come up at very critical points in your business, like when you are launching something new.

This is when you start to second guess your pricing; you look around and compare everyone’s prices.

You start to second guess every single part about your business.

You start to ask yourself, “Am I worth it? Am I enough? Did I do enough?”

This is when you start to overcompensate and you start to put more and more into your products and programs. Ever fallen into the trap of over-giving? I have, far too many times.

This is a huge one. You might be thinking, “This is not enough. I have to give more. I have to give more bonuses!”

The best thing you can do at this stage is just to follow your launch plan.

Know that those gremlins are really normal and it just means you’re going to the next level and you’re facing some resistance around it. If you’ve gotten through those money blocks at the start of your business, then it’s going to be much easier at those other critical points to get through them as well.

Remember, launching in your business is such an emotional thing and emotions can be heightened. You have to be very careful that you’re not making up stories about yourself during that time.

Stories like, “I’m not good enough. Nobody wants my stuff. Everyone else has got it together and I don’t.”

Really, really watch those stories. They will kill your business and they’re not even true!

3)   When you hit an income plateau

Hit an income plateau? (Spoiler alert… MONEY BLOCKS)

The third most popular time that you might hit your money blocks is when you’ve hit an income plateau.

This is when your money blocks are really going to come up because you might start to tell yourself stories.

“This is the most amount of money you’ve ever been able to make in your life and any success you’ve had so far has been a fluke. You’ll never, ever earn more money than this.”

These money blocks and this real negative self-talk can be so destructive. But please don’t see these as a sign to give up or quit. The world needs your particular magic.

You can rise above your own self-limiting beliefs about money and your ability to earn it.

If you’ve hit an income plateau , check out my 9 money mindset tips to break through it. 

4)   When you set a big money goal

Got a big money goal? Money blocks will find you!

If you’ve set a new big goal like getting to six figures or seven figures it’s super likely your money blocks will rear up. 

You might be thinking, “But surely when I hit six figures my life will be perfect. Surely when I hit seven figures I will just be this amazingly perfect human being.”

Sorry, it doesn’t work like that.

You are still going to be the exact same person you are now with the same thoughts, feelings, fears and self-limiting beliefs about money.

But, when you have the tools, you will be able to recognize your money blocks quicker, you’ll be able to recognize your own self-sabotage and move through it as well. And you’ll have the armor and the fortitude to keep on going no matter what, until the next one.

That’s the good and bad news. You’re always going to have money blocks is the bad news. The good news is you get better and better at dealing with them.

You might be wondering what your particular money block is? I’ve got a super simple resource for that, which you can find at

Figure out which money block you’re suffering from at the moment and where it comes from. What belief is behind it?

Once you know it, you can clear it.

Next time it comes up, you’ll be able to recognize it and give it the flick much quicker so you can move on and really create that life and business that you really want.

Different money blocks can also come up at different stages of business or sizes of income, here’s my guide to the blocks that might crop up at each stage of your business, whether you’re just starting out or a multi-millionaire.

It’s your time and you’re ready for the next step,

Denise xx

Upgrade your money mindset, revolutionize your business and earn what you deserve! 

Now open: Special offer to join Money Bootcamp, the leading money mindset training and community for entrepreneurs like you. Get mentoring and live coaching with me to clear your money blocks and take your business to new heights.


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