Denise on the Coach Magic Podcast

interviews & press
Denise on the Coach Magic Podcast

Hi there

I recently sat down with Jenny Fenig on the Coach Magic podcast to talk about money blocks that get in your way.

Episode Highlights

  • How I transitioned from life coaching to teaching money mindset
  • Why pushing against your calling doesn’t work … and what to do instead
  • Giving yourself permission to only work in your zone of genius
  • How to be PART of the conversation + not THE conversation (huge distinction)
  • How my fascination with Oprah fueled my success
  • Why failure is good fertilizer for future success
  • What to do with “mother’s guilt”
  • Leveraging a pattern interruptor to move from negativity to positivity
  • How I design my days + manage social media, email, office work, cleaning, laundry, meal prep
  • What I did that caused the earth to shift

> Click here to listen to the episode


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