Decluttering Can Change Your Life and Income! Shift Your Stuff and Create More Success in Your Life and Business

money mindset
Want guaranteed success? Declutter your purse, desk, underwear drawer!

Hey gorgeous,

I love decluttering! I’m a big fan of Marie Kondo. So, can a good declutter really change your life? 

Yes it can! When you get rid of everything in your life that’s not working for you, you’re free to completely shift your life from the inside out.

I recently watched an entire season of Hoarders on a plane and came home and cleaned my desk. It had snowballed from a bit of mess into a full on clutter f*ck!

But today, I’m not just talking about cleaning up your house (although that’s the first step and a really important one). We’re going to be doing some physical, emotional and mental decluttering as well. Yeah, baby!

This is especially important if you want to make big shifts over the next 12 months. Although you can’t change who you fundamentally are, you can change your habits and remove distractions with these easy actions.

1)   Declutter your house – especially the crappy stuff

If you’re anything like me, there’s clutter in your life that lives on the surface and it’s in your face every day. Living with physical clutter can cause you to feel overwhelmed. Having trash around blocks abundance from the Universe (in case, you know, it gets lost under 7 tons of garbage).

Obviously, don’t let your clutter build to hoarder type proportions. I think a safe rule of thumb is – if you can’t see the floor, time to get in a cleaner. If you have a family of racoons living under a giant pile of take-out containers, call in the professionals right now.

Here’s the most obvious stuff to start with….

  • Clean out your kitchen of anything mouldy or out of date
  • Discard clothes that are stained, ripped or don’t fit any more
  • Remove piles of crap or rubbish that can be recycled or chucked out
  • Actually take the stuff to the charity shop, don’t just put the bag in a cupboard (I see you!)
  • Chuck anything in your house that’s broken, dirty or just plain annoys you

Decluttering the obvious stuff sets you up for quick wins and will release the energy you need to move onto the harder stuff.

I had to have a big shift and sort out in order to manifest my rose farm - read all about it here

2)  Declutter stuff that’s not First Class

In Money Bootcamp, members create their version of a First Class life. That means getting rid of everything that’s Economy class. Anything in your life where you’ve compromised, kept yourself small, or sacrificed what you really want, for the cheaper version.

Declutter stuff that doesn’t make you feel like a million bucks. Start using your best things everyday and it will immediately upgrade the quality of your life. You’ll feel good about donating these items – after all, there’s often nothing wrong with them – it’s just that you’re moving on. Someone else will be thrilled with your economy class items.

Go through and declutter…

  • B-grade sheets and towels
  • Underwear that’s seen better days
  • Anything you constantly look at with regret
  • Anything you bought in the wrong colour or size
  • Presents you received but don’t really like (you don’t have to keep them)

Declutter it even before you can afford a replacement. Why? Because you’re creating physical space. 

3) Declutter random stuff in your life

Now it’s time to tackle the stuff that sits there and takes up mental space, even when you don’t realise it. It’s like having a computer that’s got running a lot of old and useless programs. You’d be surprised how good you’ll feel when you free up the energy.

Get random and…

  • Unsubscribe from newsletters you don’t read
  • Clean out your Kindle of books you didn’t like
  • Change your passwords to represent your new goals
  • Delete that unfinished novel you have NO enthusiasm for anymore
  • Back up and clean out your computer to make room for your new one
  • Clean up your Facebook news feed (hide people who are constantly negative)
  • Clear off your “to read” list of books if you didn’t get past the first chapter. (You have permission to not finish them)


4) Declutter anything that’s not a HELL YES anymore

Many of my business buddies have stopped selling their best-selling courses in recent years. Why would they do that? Because it doesn’t feel right anymore.

You don’t have to compromise and it’s okay to eliminate things you don’t LOVE 100%.

I’ve deleted books I was selling through Kindle and deleted old blogs and businesses that were still up and running. They were making money and building my newsletter list but they just weren’t aligned to my brand and my big goals for the next 12 months.

Yes, I could have allowed them to hang around, no problem, but I wanted to make a big symbolic action to the Universe – I’m ready for BIGGER and BETTER.

Say hell NO and…

  • Delete old websites, even if they get some traffic
  • Unpublish books you don’t want your name on anymore
  • Have a close out sale of old stock or anything you don’t want to sell anymore
  • Recycle, trash or delete old marketing materials (especially for old businesses)
  • Decommission services you don’t want to offer any more, even if you’re really good at it
  • Kill your biggest selling program if you can’t stand running it anymore (or turn it into a different format, eg, live course into home study program)

This is starting to feel so good, right? It’s almost like you have total permission to create your life exactly the way you want it! To dive even deeper into creating your dream life, check out these two simple visualisations that literally plug you into your ultimate life experience

5)  Declutter til it hurts

It’s not always going to feel good to declutter. You might feel like you’re giving up something (money, being liked, being helpful) but you’ll be able to gain so much more and free up mental and energetic space to RECEIVE like a mofo.

When you hold on to obligations, you’re perpetuating the story that life happens to you, rather than that you create your ideal life. You’re continuing the story that other people’s goals are more important than yours. It might feel bad temporarily but once you give up the guilt, you’ll also free up a lot of time and energy.

Time to let go of…

  • Clients you don’t want to work with anymore
  • Facebook groups that add nothing to your day
  • Suppliers who don’t offer 100% First Class service
  • Networking groups that have become an obligation
  • Volunteer positions or groups you no longer want to serve
  • A business arrangement or joint venture that doesn’t work anymore
  • Hobbies you want to give up (no time, outgrown the group, don’t enjoy it anymore)
  • A specific emotion you want to give up (anger towards an ex, resentment at a friend
  • An invitation from people you’ve outgrown (a party, wedding, holiday, etc)

It’s okay to say NO even if you’ve already made the commitment. It might require a temporary awkward conversation. You might disappoint others but they’ll get over it. You’re one step closer to manifesting your amazing life so take it one step further…

6) Declutter like you’re on the cusp of something amazing (because you totally are)

Don’t wait until you see that Amazing Thing before you get ready. Get ready now. Imagine what could happen if you lived your life as if opportunities are around every corner?

Sometimes the Universe sends you an enforced upgrade, like it literally makes things fall apart so you notice them and forces you to replace them. Ever notice how your computer starts breaking down when you’re thinking of getting a new one? Notice how you never do until it falls apart?

Act as if your goal is literally just waiting for you to sort out the logistics. If you get ready now, the Universe will send it to you much quicker.

Be brave and take action now...

  • Go try on wedding dresses
  • Book the test drive for your dream car
  • Ring your bank to ask for your debt payback amount
  • Renew your passport before the money for the trip has shown up
  • Reserve the hotel for the conference (just takes a credit card number)
  • Start packing up the house you’re meaning to sell (you’re totally moving right?)
  • Basically do anything you need to get ready for your amazing life to take off right NOW

I’ve noticed from working with thousands of entrepreneurs around the world, the first step to manifesting is to declutter as much as you can – you literally can’t overdose on decluttering.

It’s your time and you’re ready for the next step,

Denise xx

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