Dealing with shiny object syndrome

podcast episodes
Dealing with shiny object syndrome


Dealing with shiny object syndrome

Are you easily distracted by too many new ideas or the draw of shiny objects? Me too! 

As an entrepreneur, how can you work out which of your many ideas and passions are the right ones to pursue? And which ones can actually make you money?

I'm gearing up for my annual Money Personality business coaching program (which I'd love to see you in), so today, I've got a bonus podcast episode all about dealing with shiny object syndrome. 

If you have an Alchemist-type personality and you love creating and dreaming, staying focused can be a real challenge in your business.

So listen along today for more on:

  • How shiny object syndrome will show up for your personality 
  • Ways to set your business up to capitalize on your ideas
  • How to avoid common self-sabotages if you're an ideas person
  • Uncovering the underlying motivation for wanting variety and newness
  • Ideas to tweak your product offers and pricing to be more win-win

You are not alone if you've experienced shiny object syndrome - most entrepreneurs are ideas and problem-solving machines. Focusing is difficult, seeing tasks through to completion is complex, and so is not wanting to do all the things. 

I've experienced this in so many areas in my life which has brought a lot of success and a fair share of challenges. 

So don't beat yourself up if you have shiny object syndrome—I want to help make this trait work for you and not against you. So you can prosper from your ideas and stop sabotaging yourself.

It's your time. 

xx Denise 

P.S. My LIVE business course and coaching program based on the Money Archetypes framework is coming soon.

This is your once-a-year opportunity to spend six weeks with me working on your business and marketing. 

I've made over $30 million online, and I've combined all my experience in this course to help you can grow your income based on the strengths of your personality.

Click here to register your interest and find out more.

Upgrade your money mindset, revolutionize your business and earn what you deserve! 

Now open: Special offer to join Money Bootcamp, the leading money mindset training and community for entrepreneurs like you. Get mentoring and live coaching with me to clear your money blocks and take your business to new heights.


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