Could your money personality be sabotaging your business?

sacred money archetypes

Hi there,

Negative money habits can be nasty little gremlins that pop up again and again. 

Recognize any of these?

  • You splurge on a beautiful new handbag even though bills are due…
  • Hoard every cent even though you haven’t taken a vacation in five years…
  • Resist hiring any help in your business because you believe you should be able to do it all yourself.

Whatever your money habits, I bet you’re pretty familiar with them and how they show up.

You want to have a free and easy relationship with money, but it can feel uncomfortable and unsafe.

The truth is that we often make our money decisions on autopilot. Our habits and beliefs about money can be ingrained in our personality and completely unique to you. 

And our money personality is shaped by so many things - our upbringing, experiences, beliefs and your Money Archetype.

So what can you do if you feel out of control and unhappy about the decisions you make around money?

Discover your unique money personality so you can overcome your money challenges and sabotages AND earn more money. 

What if I told you that you have a unique “money DNA” which is where those sabotaging habits come from?

Even better, what if I told you that you could “crack the code” of your money DNA and start to earn more by leveraging your money strengths, while compensating for your weaknesses?

 Starting a new chapter with money and overcoming sabotaging blocks and beliefs starts with first knowing your Sacred Money Archetype and what it means for your relationship with money. 

There are 8 unique Money Personalities or Archetypes that shape your money habits and money goals. 

Click here to take the Quiz and discover your Sacred Money Archetype.

Plus, you can discover all 8 archetypes and the strengths and weaknesses of each here.

You might wonder if it’s even possible to reset your money story, especially if you feel like your habits are deeply ingrained.

If so, I hear you. I TOTALLY used to feel that way. I wasn’t born into any special privilege, and I didn’t have strong money models growing up.

Today, I run a multi-million dollar business that’s touched the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world. 

There was a time, though, when I felt like, despite my massive dreams and the amount of work I put in, I wasn’t cut out for success.

I no longer work weekends &  increased my fees!

"It was interesting finding out I was Accumulator and realizing actually I'm quite good at numbers and quite frugal with it. Numbers, detail and caution are part of my personality. Since discovering SMA, I've moved to a coach consultant model, which has enabled me to massively increase my fees. And also, I've got happier clients. I've streamlined everything so I'm focusing on one target market and two main services. I've stopped working weekends and evenings." Jenny Bracelin, Business Mentor, UK  (Accumulator)

The business advice I was getting felt too generic and I was turned off by all of the bro-marketing online. I was searching for a way to do business my way - without having to change my personality. 

To make real progress I know I needed to find my path of least resistance and focus on my unique gifts, rather than doing things outside of my zone of genius. 

And one of the things that has transformed my business over the last decade was discovering Sacred Money Archetypes®. 

For the first time in my life, I got a glimpse of what was possible for me if I worked on my strengths instead of battling my weaknesses. 

And for the first time, I got answers about why I’d put so many obstacles to success in my own path. 

Turns out that with a few simple tweaks, I could actually capitalize on these in a BIG way.

What are 8 Sacred Money Archetypes®?

Well, remember I mentioned “money DNA” a minute ago?

Sacred Money Archetypes® is the compass that will help you unlock your unique personality around money, so you can use it to your advantage instead of letting it silently sabotage you.

Without knowing and leveraging your money personality, it will sabotage your branding, pricing, and the type of customers you attract. Trying to do business against your Archetype or in a way that feels out of alignment or hard is literally costing you money. 

Within your unique money personality is the seed of a healthy relationship to money - strengths that you can leverage in your business to earn more and a path to wealth based on who you truly are. 

You can run your business and set up your business model, team, marketing and passive income to fit with your specific money Archetype. 

Read about all the archetypes and discover how your dominant ones might be holding you back here.



Knowing your Money Archetype will unlock your path to growing your business and income. 

You are designed to succeed. 

You just have to know how to move forward and how to take care of yourself based on how you naturally show up with money.

You do not have to change who you are to be successful. 

And you don’t have to follow the advice or business model of others if it feels out of integrity with your personality and strengths. 

I’m SO thankful I discovered this about myself with the Sacred Money Archetype® work -- because as soon as I knew how to work with my personality, my business really started taking off. My old self-sabotaging habits fell away.

The change for me was so profound that I worked with my mentor Kendall Summerhawk to become a certified Sacred Money Archetypes® coach. 

For years, I taught this only on private retreats and with my one-to-one clients. 

But I have now created a free training for you to discover your Money Archetype, your strengths and weaknesses and how to leverage your personality to make more money. 

Get started by first taking the quiz and discovering which of the 8 Archetypes you are, then I'll send you a training workshop based on your results - yep, there are 8 different workshops:

>> Take the Money Archetypes quiz now

I’ve been doing $25,000 cash months

"I’m a rebel in my industry; I’ve always done things a little bit differently. I’ve always marched to the beat of my own drum. For me, SMA was like a deep permission - I've literally been this way forever. And now it's really up to me to embrace it and bring it into every part of my business." Kierra Jones, Visibility & Sales Messaging and Mindset Coach, USA  (Maverick)

The Sacred Money Archetypes® quiz and training series is the perfect complement to any entrepreneur’s journey.

Whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been building your business for years, the thing about your money personality is that it doesn’t change. 

Who you are at the start of your business is who you are ten years in. 

The key to breaking the habits that keep you from having ALL the success you really want is understanding what makes you tick and knowing how to change it. 

So, what about you? Are you still self-sabotaging around money? 

Do you find yourself underearning --or earning plenty but never knowing quite where it all went? 

Are you plagued with emotions like fear, guilt, or shame around money? 

Do you suffer crippling decision fatigue when trying to decide how to spend it?

There are endless ways we sabotage ourselves with money, especially when it comes to growing our businesses. 

But, when you know how to leverage your true strengths, making money will feel more natural, easy, and in flow. 

In this training, I show you how I’ve created a multi-million dollar business PLUS a relaxed lifestyle I love, with plenty of time for all the people and things that are most important to me.


Take the Sacred Money Archetypes® quiz and discover your own personal money strengths and sabotages

To get started, take the quiz HERE  and discover how your money personality may be sabotaging you and exactly what to do about it.

You’ll discover SO much about yourself and your unconscious money beliefs just by taking the quiz. 

I know from experience how powerful it is to understand your Money Archetype and leverage it in your life and business, so you can stop sabotaging yourself when it comes to money. 

Honestly, it’s like pressing ‘reset’ on your money story! 

I know it will be life-changing for you, and I can’t wait to see you start tweaking your business to profit from your strengths. 

It’s your time, and you’re ready for the next step.

xx Denise


Sacred Money Archetypes® is a registered trademark of Heart of Success, Inc. and licensed by Lucky B Pty Ltd. Copyright 2022 Kendall Summerhawk

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