The biggest money mindset leaps you need to make to reach 7-figures

money mindset
How to make the biggest money leap before hitting your first million

I was recently asked what my biggest money mindset leap was on my journey to a million dollars a year in revenue. 

Such a great question!

We all have an energetic income level and upper limit blocks that we all need to identify and breakthrough.

The truth is you are going to hit those upper limits all the time. It's always going to be zero to something that is going to feel the most difficult. Just like getting your first launch done, writing your first book or hitting that first income goal.

I made around $65,000 in my first year and that wasn't all from my business, I had a lot of side projects. My next income level was $120,000 and then $250,000. 

At the $120,000 level I started to feel weird because that was how much my uncle made, he was the wealthiest person in the family and very generous. I felt like I was taking over his role in some way even though I knew he would be completely fine with it. I had to become comfortable with the idea that I could be the wealthiest person in the family.

At the $250,000 level I was working really hard and I thought to myself that if I wanted to achieve that first million then I would have to work 4 times harder. I couldn't fathom it because I was already working 50-60 hours a week. When I did the math, I knew that was not possible.

It was all about making the right mindset shift.

To overcome that belief, I had to look at allowing myself to make things easier. I shifted from one-on-one coaching to group coaching and gave myself permission to feel okay with making more money even though it was less work for me.

Then at $750,000 I asked myself can it be easy? Is it allowed to be easy? I held onto the belief that it is safe for me to work less and that making money can be easy.

Before I knew it, I sailed past a million. I didn’t even think of it.

People will often ask if I partied when I hit a million. The answer is no, because it’s not like you go from zero to a million straight away. You’re acclimatizing to making more money each time.

I believe that there are upper limit problems that arise all the time, no matter what your income level is. One of mine is feeling like everyone has seen my work. I remember when I first had that upper limit problem and we had 50 people in my program. Now we have nearly 9000 members.

Something that helps me is to look at people who have had outrageous success, like Marie Folio's, B School, 70,000 people have gone through that program! That is incredible. Every time I think everyone's seen my work, I remind myself that it is possible to have more and there are always more clients.

Another one of my upper limit problems is that no one is going to like me, that they will think that ‘I am too big for my boots’ and people will not think I am down to earth enough. Once I realized what the origin story for this upper limit problem was, I was able to interrupt the pattern of behaviour by using positive affirmations.

I still think you go through the same money blocks every time. So whatever upper limit blocks you have right now, they are always going to be the same. Just the zeros are different.

Remember that the biggest money leap is always going to be the hardest and then every other income level is an opportunity to acclimatize to making more money. Before you know it, you will sail past $1 million too.


Upgrade your money mindset, revolutionize your business and earn what you deserve! 

Now open: Special offer to join Money Bootcamp, the leading money mindset training and community for entrepreneurs like you. Get mentoring and live coaching with me to clear your money blocks and take your business to new heights.


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