Break Through Your Income Plateau: 9 Money Mindset Tips You Need

Hey there,
I totally get it if your manifesting habits have slipped or you’ve taken a knock to your confidence recently.
And for many entrepreneurs, this translated into hitting an income plateau.
It can be so frustrating and disheartening when your business stalls.
Everything was going so well, and then your income flatlines and you struggle to see how to keep growing without working harder.
And this adds to the general overwhelm we’re all feeling right now with the state of the world and economy.
So, if this sounds familiar, don’t worry; I’ve got nine money mindset tips to help you shift the energy you are bringing into this year and upgrade your mindset.
Everybody has humps in business.
It’s super normal. I promise!
Your income plateau represents your comfort zone.
That’s why it feels so uncomfortable when you want to break through the glass ceiling. And why we often sabotage ourselves.
- It doesn’t mean that you’re not meant to be successful in business.
- It doesn’t mean that’s the most you’ll ever be able to earn.
It really is just representative of where your comfort level is at the moment, how much you believe you can earn, and where your mindset is with money right now.
It’s always very telling to see where you’ve hit that income plateau.
Trust me, you will continue to hit other income plateaus as well. I know that this one feels real, but it will pass. Then, with each new income level, you’ll find new and recurring blocks to work through - that’s the beauty of this ongoing work.
So here are my nine money mindset tips to kick-start your income in 2024;
1. Get real about your money blocks
- Identify your fears about money
- Make friends with tax
- Upgrade your mastermind
- Set a new goal
- Acknowledge your success
- Take a break
- Give yourself permission to earn more
- Go to work
So let’s dig into each of these steps in more detail, starting with the most important – your money mindset work and keep reading to the end for a new BONUS tip!
2. Have a really honest look at your money blocks
Hitting a plateau is a great opportunity to re-visit your money beliefs.
- What are your thoughts and feelings about money right now?
- What are you telling yourself about money?
Maybe you’ve slipped into old bad money habits, or perhaps you’ve forgotten that you need to work on your money mindset all the time.
We all have to work on our money mindset on a regular basis.
Revisit my books or podcast, and if you want a big shift in your mindset and income this year, come and join our community and work with me.
3. Identify your fears about money.
Get specific.
- What are you actually afraid of if you earned more money?
- What would happen, good and bad?
If you’re willing to look at it, it might give you some valuable information to clear it.
4. Make friends with tax.
Now, some entrepreneurs hold themselves back at particular income points because they’re afraid of paying more tax.
Or maybe you’re worried about other financial implications as well:
- Maybe you’ll lose particular benefits if you earn more;
- Maybe you’ll have to start paying different types of tax;
- Maybe you’ll have to start charging different taxes to your clients when you earn more.
Have a look at your fears and see if there’s anything symbolic about this income level for you.
5. Upgrade your mastermind.
Jim Rohn talks about how your income is the average of the people that you spend the most time with.
Look around at your mastermind and be really honest.
- Has everyone else’s income plateaued as well?
- Have you plateaued to the point where everyone’s income is the same?
If you want to go beyond that income plateau, it might be time for you to move into a mastermind where people are earning more money because then it will inspire you to
increase that for yourself as well.
If you need a new money mentor to cheer you on to higher levels, then I’m your gal!
6. Set a new goal.
Now, this is really funny. Often, when entrepreneurs achieve an income goal, they haven’t yet conceptualized the next one.
They’re like, “I don’t know why I’m not earning more.”
It’s like the universe is saying, “You haven’t told us what that next income goal is. What would you like to earn?”
You’re like, “I don’t know. Just more money.”
What does ‘more money’ look like to you?
Make sure that you’re very, very clear on what that next income goal is so then you can know when you’ve hit it, and you’ve got something to reach for beyond that income plateau.
7. Express gratitude; acknowledge how far you’ve come
So many of us just go for the next goal, next goal, and next goal without anything in between.
No wonder our successes feel a little bit empty because we’re not acknowledging them.
“Ok, great. What’s next?”
Sometimes, you need to take stock when you’ve hit an income and say, “You know what? Look how far I’ve come. This is amazing.
Take a little breather to appreciate and acclimatize, and then you can regroup for the next goal.
8. Have creativity breaks.
What is going to help you go to that next level? Fresh ideas. New products, services and offerings.
Creativity requires getting out of your current environment.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, go somewhere new, meditate, go to the beach, or do something fun to refresh your creativity.
You’ll need to revamp your ideas. You’ll need new ones to get you to the next level.
It doesn’t mean working harder. Going to the next level might mean working less, but you’ll need space to see how to create more chill and prosperity.
9. Give yourself permission to earn more.
Actually, give yourself permission.
- It’s safe for me to make more money.
- It’s safe for me to go to the next level.
- It’s safe for me to out-earn other people.
Give yourself permission to break past this income plateau. I think that is probably more important than anything else: giving yourself permission to earn more.
It might sound really silly because you’re like, “Of course I want to earn more, Denise.” But you need to know it’s okay for you at a cellular level. Repeat the affirmation that works for you every day.
It’s okay for you to make more money. Remind yourself constantly.
10. Time to work
What got you to where you are now? Keep the stuff that works and ditch the stuff that doesn’t.
Getting to the next income level is worth the work and process of optimizing how you run your business.
I know for myself, every time I’ve been at an income plateau, I think, “This one’s really real.”
Oh, my God. You start to make up stories about it. “No, this one is really actually real now. I could get through the other ones, but this one’s real.”
They’re not.
Your mindset is the number one factor that will help or hinder you from breaking through a plateau and growing your income, and I’m here to help you make it happen in 2024.
BONUS TIP: It’s your year to join us in Money Bootcamp
You deserve to feel supported.
And some extra mindset training and mentoring could make the difference between hitting your goal or stalling again over the next 12 months.
I recommend checking out our 2024 package deal to work with me in my three mindset, business, and manifesting courses.
We’ll work through your money blocks, boundaries, and business plans so you can take your mindset and income to new heights, just like thousands of our members have.
The right mindset and mentor will give you the support and confidence you need to finally make your business goals a reality (without blood, sweat, and tears).
I know you have big dreams and that your business can really help people, so I’d love to work with you and be part of your transformation.
It’s your time, and you’re ready for the next step,
xx Denise
Upgrade your money mindset, revolutionize your business and earn what you deserve!
Now open: Special offer to join Money Bootcamp, the leading money mindset training and community for entrepreneurs like you. Get mentoring and live coaching with me to clear your money blocks and take your business to new heights.