5 Life-Changing Money Books

Let’s talk life-changing money books.
I have always been an avid reader, and I absolutely love books about money.
So I’m sharing a few of the favorites from my shelf that I refer to when I need a bit of a money pick-me-up. These are classics!
1. Nice Girls Don’t Get Rich, Lois P. Frankel
This amazing book talks about the sabotages that people like us make around
money. The book is very, very practical and looks at a lot of the little decisions we make that can stop us from earning more money.
I also highly recommend the author’s other book, Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office, for any Lucky Bee in a corporate job or wanting to release blocks or frustrations you have about being in the corporate world. This book really helped me spot and stop a lot of mistakes I was making in my early career.
2. The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity, Edwene Gaines
This is a short read but one of the most powerful books that I have ever read about money.
It’s a simple but beautiful book about how you can really invite and receive more money into your life, and this is especially important if you sometimes have that feeling that money is icky, or that you're evil or greedy for wanting to make more money.
3. Women and Money, Suze Orman
Now, I love Suze Orman! Oh my God, I love her.
This is one of the great books that Suzy has written, and she has written many, many great books. Suze is the big sister that I wish I had around money.
I remember watching her on Oprah and just thinking “Oh man, this woman kicks butt around money.”
I also saw her speak at a conference, and to open up her speech, she stood in the middle of the stage and said…
“I stand before you a very, very, very, very wealthy woman.”
And it was the first time I’d ever heard a woman say that or own that, so I instantly wanted to learn from her.
So pick up all of her books, they are very practical and take on some of the more boring things around money, like your pension and getting out of debt.
4. How to be Wildly Wealthy Fast, Sandy Forster
Sandy was one of my first mentors and her book is an amazing role model for women and money. She is a very down-to-earth, funny, lovely woman and she is a multimillionaire.
This book is different from the other ones I recommend because I personally know Sandy. She’s real and has a very good story called “Welfare to Millionaire,” and she talks about how changing your thoughts around money can make a huge difference.
5. Get Rich, Lucky B*tch, Denise Duffield-Thomas
So the last book I’m going to recommend is of course, my own!
My money book, Get Rich Lucky B*tch is a practical take on the law of attraction and how we can use it to manifest money.
I talk all things money mindset, how to release your blocks to receiving money, and how you can create a First Class life for yourself.
Thank you to the thousands of you who have supported this book and if that’s you, I’d love for you to please jump over to Amazon and leave a review.
So, there are just a few of the best money books that I recommend. There are so many great money books out there that I love, but these are on my personal go-to list.
It’s a few years since I’ve read some of these so I’m excited to revisit them as I work on my next vision and money goal!
What are you reading right now? I would love to hear from you. Message me on socials @denisedt to let me know what books are completely rocking your world around money?
xx Denise
Disclaimer: This article includes Amazon affiliate links to the books mentioned.
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