Ask Me Anything: Painful clients, abundance mindset and getting focused

Show Notes

Hey friend,

I’m back with another Ask Me Anything episode. 

These podcasts are sooo fun and popular. Basically, you get to ask me anything! Read on to find out how to get involved…  

The first question today is about boundaries and how to deal with painful clients. 

Listen, there will be pain-in-the-butt people in your life and your business. The secret is to get better at spotting them. 

Take a moment to think of your most pain-in-the-butt customer and how to avoid that situation in the future. Maybe it’s about trusting your gut and not working with them from the start. Or you need to tweak your messaging so it’s really clear who you can help. 

But basically it’s a rite of passage. You gotta learn to set boundaries around your time, energy and resources.

Our next question is: What's the difference between having an abundance mindset and being wasteful? 

None of us want to make shedloads of money and harm the planet, right?!

Actually, what I've noticed as I've become wealthier is that when I invest in quality, it lasts longer. 

So my advice is to invest in items that’ll last and that are in alignment with your values. 

Next question: what should I focus on in my business? 

I feel for anyone starting a business at the moment. When I started out things were much simpler. I recommend batching and using templates – you can get 30 days of social media content, done for you, for example. 

Find the path of least resistance. How can you make things easier for yourself?

Would it feel good to start a podcast? Or to write instead? There are no rules. Sometimes we overthink it and tell ourselves it’s gotta be perfect. It doesn't – just get started and chose a channel or type of content that works for you. 

When I started making content, I’d literally turn on my computer and speak for 5 minutes. I wouldn't script it. I’d get it transcribed and publish it as an article. I’d get my hair done on a Monday and make four or five videos on a random topic plucked outta my butt!

It's okay for it to be easy and you don't have to do all of the things.

In this episode, you'll learn:

  • What focusing on income generation will do for your business         
  • Exactly how I deal with self-doubt
  • How to thrive whatever phase of life you’re in
  • How I (almost!) brought a pair of Saint Laurent high heels
  • My secret to instilling strong values in your kids    




About the Show

Chill and Prosper is your weekly dose of money mindset, marketing and humour from best-selling author and entrepreneur Denise Duffield-Thomas.

Denise's philosophy is that there is ALWAYS an easier way to make money and that's what she's here to help you do. Each week, you'll get actionable advice to help you make more money, with less work. There's no need to hustle - let Denise show you how to embrace the Chillpreneur way.

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